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Seorang Ibu Post Gambar Anaknya Di FB.. 2 Saat Kemudian Beliau MAUT !!!

Seorang Ibu Post Gambar Anaknya Di FB.. 2 Saat Kemudian Beliau MAUT !!!

Seorang Ibu Post Gambar Anaknya Di FB.. 2 Saat Kemudian Beliau MAUT !!! | Inilah video iklan kemalangan jalan raya yang telah dilihat oleh lebih 4.5 juta orang di seluruh dunia. Dan inilah realiti pada hari ini.. Bukan sahaja di Malaysia tetapi juga di seluruh dunia… JANGAN MAIN HANDPHONE KETIKA NAIK MOTORSIKAL ATAU MEMANDU KERETA. ANDA BUKAN SAHAJA BAHAYAKAN DIRI ANDA.. TETAPI ORANG LAIN JUGA !!!!

Over 4 million people have seen this video. But it concerns ALL of us – this message can save lives. During these 4 minutes you see 6 people who are going about their everyday lives: a man goes to the gas station, a mother drives with her little daughter to the store. But what happens at 02:36 out of nowhere should serve as a warning:

Anda Pasti Tak Main Phone Ketika DRIVE Selepas Tengok VIDEO Ini:

This campaign visualizes one thing plainly: every message, every email. or every picture can decide between life and death. Because even when one believes, “only looking for a second” is harmless – the slightest distraction can turn into a deathly danger while driving. And no message, text, or picture is as important as your life! “It can wait”: share this protective message with all people who are close to you. KREDIT HEFTY.CO

Seorang Ibu Post Gambar Anaknya Di FB.. 2 Saat Kemudian Beliau MAUT !!! Seorang Ibu Post Gambar Anaknya Di FB.. 2 Saat Kemudian Beliau MAUT !!! Reviewed by Berbagai_bagai on 4:42 PG Rating: 5

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